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Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Week 10 Poll Analyze
Thursday, 10 November 2011
The New Search Engine"Former Googleers Unveil Cuil"
Monday, 7 November 2011
Poll Result Analysis (Week 9)
We discussed about what kind of search engine that semantic search engine actually is. Semantic search engine is also known as Web 3.0 search engine, it takes sense of a word as a factor in its ranking algorithm or offers user a choice as to the sense of a word of phrase. Some of the semantic search engines such as lexxe.com, blekko.com and kngine.com, feel free to try it out to know the differences between Web 2.0 search engine and Web 3.0 search engine clearly.

There are total of 8 voters had participated in the poll voting this week. There are 5 of them obtain the correct answer and 3 voters guess wrongly with Web 2.0 search engine which is an era of search engine from years 2004. For example, google.com, yahoo.com, bing.com and baidu.com is some of the popular Web 2.0 search engine and I believe that you had tried it out before.
Therefore, if you have something not sure about the search engine or there is something goes wrong in the post in term of information, please do not hesitate to let us know!
Sunday, 6 November 2011
How to search in easier way and more specific?
Using the specific search engine. If you are looking for the audio files, you may use FindSounds.com or Free-Loops.com. Unlike some of the internet users, they just too depend on google.com. There are also specialty searches to search RSS feeds, podcast, library materials and so on. If you are getting to know more detail of "How to Choose a Search Tools", you may visit this link.
Try this specific search engine, zanran.com/q/. They help to search the data & statistics such as graphs, charts and tables. It enable users to customize four of the search options.
Again, I am glad to share this information to all my blog readers. So, are you going to try chacha.com, scour.com, and zanran.com/q/ ?
1.) Laura B.Cohen, How to Choose a Search Tools, Internet Tutorials, [Online], Retrieved on 1st Nov 2011.
2.) Ellen Keohane, ABCSearch launches human-assisted search engine Scour.com, [Online], Retrieved on 15th July 2008.
URL: http://www.dmnews.com/abcsearch-launches-human-assisted-search-engine-scourcom/article/112460/
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Poll Result Analysis (Week 8)
Besides, have 2 voters has choose the answer Yes, It may search everything what they need. Actually, Google.com can search everything what we need. This is the benefit for Google.com. Another 2 voters has choose the answer No, It always unable to search what I want. Google.com is not unable to search what we want because Google.com is just show the current most famous news in first two pages, the others information maybe is in other pages, so we can't say Google.com is unable to search what we need. Has i voter choose the last answer I will prefer to use dogpile.com more than Google.com. Dogpile.com is also a famous search engine in the world.
In conclusion, I suggest all the users to user the blekko.com. Blekko.com is a Semantic search engine and also a Web 3.0 search engine. In the future, many users certain use blekko.com to search everything what they need and information. Do you agree the vote result in this poll analysis?If have any question or suggestion can just comment in the comment box or email to us.
Monday, 31 October 2011
The Future of the Search Engine
No more keyword search box. Eztioni urges developers to think outside the keyword search box. "One threat to progress is the keyword search box, an innovation-retarding trap that 'exerts a powerful gravitational pull,'" explains Bits Blog's Steve Lohr. But if not the search box, then what? Etzioni imagines that people would speak a question and the computer would find an answer. Of course, some alternative mining methods already exist. For example, Shazam and SoundHound, services that identify songs from their notes, are a sort of audio search. But, as Nicholas Scalice computer science blogger points out on his blog, the entity that figures out how to combine all these existing search technologies--audio search, barcode search, realtime search--will succeed. For example, someone needs to step up and take all of this technology under one roof. They need to brand themselves as a revolutionary search engine that can find exactly what you’re looking for based on your location, your friends suggestions, the image you just uploaded, the song playing from your car stereo, the barcode you just scanned, the things you already like and other non-traditional concepts.
No more link lists. Since more people use tiny screened devices it becomes harder to type in keywords and peruse a list of links, argues Etzioni. "The device of the future is the smartphone, and the 10 blue links of traditional search don’t cut it anymore." Instead, results could show up in a much more aesthetically pleasing and sensible format, argues Project Syndicate's Esther Dyson. For example, what people want (and are now getting) in product search is not a list of pages, but a set of products displayed in some meaningful fashion. They want a map of the product space, not a list. The challenge of course, is that each kind of product has a different structure and a different set of attributes.
Better results. When people search, they look for more than information they want in term of action, explains Dyson. "They aren't just looking for nouns or information; they are looking for action. Currently, Google search looks at keywords, or strings of words, to find the result. Etzioni proposes a web search engine would identify relationships between terms, which would provide more and better results. "You turn to the search site of your smart phone to find a restaurant that offers those rarities. It not only finds the restaurant, it books a table for two, sends a map on how to reach there and offers the view from your table," The Economic Times's Shelley Singh offers as an example.
Rebecca Greenfield, The Future of the Search Engine [Online], Retrieved 5th August 2011
URL: http://www.theatlanticwire.com/technology/2011/08/future-search-engine/40857/
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Opening Search to Semantic Search Engines
Thursday, 27 October 2011
The Contest
Here is the photo with the 1st prize winner and the 2nd prize winner. (The 3rd prize user do not able to take photo with the organizer. )
One more time, the winner for the 1st prize will be Ms Mandy Lim and the 2nd prize will be Mrs Joe and Mrs Lai will be the winner for 3rd prize. Congratulations for all the winners.
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
The Web 3.0 Search Engine
Kngine is Web 3.0 Search Engine (i.e. revolutionary Semantic Search Engine and Question Answer Engine) which is designed to provide customized meaningful search results, such as: Semantic Information about the keyword or concepts, Answer the user's question, List things, Discover the relation between the keyword or concepts, and links the different kind of related information together such as: Movies, Subtitles, Photos, Prices at sale stores, Users reviews, and influenced stories.
Monday, 24 October 2011
Poll Result Analysis (Week 7)
Friday, 21 October 2011
The "Amazing Contest" Winners is them!!!!
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
You are encouraged to use the Green Search Engines.

Green Search Engines? Have yo heard this type of new search engines? Let me introduce to you, what is Green Search Engines. Green Search Engine is a type of search engine that reuse usage of electricity for each search make by users. It was a smart idea from somebody else to save the earth. You are allowed to do charity every single day. Switch and use the Green Search Engine now. There are so many Green Search Engines.
Blackle.com is an example of Green Search Engine. It takes everyone's favourite search engine, Google.com and turns off the lights. By using a black background, Blackle.com saves energy since monitors require more power to display a white (or light) screen than a black (or dark) screen. How much energy is saved? Blackle.com references a blog post that claims that a black Google.com would save 750 Megawatt-hours per year. Blackle.com is a popular Green Search Engine.
Beside Blackle.com, there are also anothers Green Search Engine which called Ecosia.org. Ecosia.org is a green search engine which donates at least 80% of its advertising revenue to a rainforest protection program run by the WWF. Each search at Ecosia.org contributes to the protection of the rainforests.
Eco-Find.com is another green search engine using black background same with the blackle.com. This green search engine is very convenience, why I said so? It is because it also search via Google.com and search in difference categories. Are you willing to try this green search engine?
Earthle.com, "Save Energy, Save The Earth" is their slogan. Also, they search through Google.com. Someone said, "because apparently, we can't have enough darkness engines", Earthle.com also conserves energy.
Gigablast.com serving close to ten millions query per day, mostly through other websites. Gigablast.com is the leading clean-energy search engine. 90% of its power usage comes from wind energy. Gigablast.com also makes it easy to perform users query on the coal-based search engine by clicking links below the search results. So, you are encouraged much to try this green search engine. Even though, this green search engine not using the black background but it use wind energy. For you information, It was a natural resources.
Gooef.com was created by Max from Keetsa.com to make life easier for finding Eco-Friendly and Green related stuff on the web. Gooef.com brings you only the best of Eco-Friendly and Green searches on the web, powered by Google custom search. As normal green search engine, their background is of course black in colour. It will conserve energy per time users use this sites.
In the other hand, GreenMaven.com is a search engine designed to specifically search the "green web." Hence, it actually is not a green search engine. They focus on helping us to find the best green, conscious, and sustainable web sites. There is also a GreenMaven.com plugin to make those searches even easier. Actually, Ecosia.org has this feature too.
Here is an image (gif) to show several green search engines. Just have a look and try to use them.

I believe that most of you are using Google.com as your default search engine. Unless, the other common search engines such as Yahoo.com or Bing.com. Our earth was sick, save our Earth by just doing this simply action. Start to use the Green Search Engines now, most of them are searching through Google.com too. The different between just the colour of background which is black in colour.
Sarah Perez, 15 of the Best Green Search Engines, Read Write Web, [docx.Online], Retrieved on 22nd April 2008.
URL: http://www.readwriteweb.com/
Ecoist, 27 Great Green and Eco-Friendly Search Engines, Web Ecoist, [JPEG.Online], Retrieved on (-)
URL : http://webecoist.com/
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Poll Analysis Result (Week6)

Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Poll Result Analysis (Week 5)
In this week, we had created a contest for people to participate and win the prizes. There are "GRAND PRIZES" waiting for you to bring back. They are 8 GB pen-drive, wireless optical mouse, and earphone. These "GRAND PRIZES" are really awesome for who is interested take part in the contest. You just only need to do the simple steps that you will have a change to win the "GRAND PRIZES".
It had only 9 voters joined themselves for answer the poll analysis question. That means the most people are interested to participate the contest because it had 7 voters out to 9 voters choose the answer "Sure, I am happy to hear this news". It had only 2 voters choose the answer "Maybe", that means the 2 voters are still considering to participate. Besides, there didn't have any voters choose the last answer "No, I am very busy"
In conclusion, I feel very happy because most people are really to participate the contest. It is the chance for you to improve your knowledge and information of search engine. Furthermore, crossword puzzle is the best way for learning knowledge. I hope in the following days will increase the participants for take part in the contest.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
We are the authors of K&L New Search. I am Rex, I am Michelle, I am Wei Lun. We are here to tell you a good news. We are organizing a CONTEST in order for people to realize the existence of our blog. There are *Grand Prizes* waiting for you to bring them back. They are 8GB pen-drive, wireless optical mouse, and earphone. Are you interesting with those prizes? Let join our CONTEST now. Just do the simple steps the you got a chance to win *Grand prizes*. Lastly, we are glad to share and bring out this good news. So, welcome to join our contest. Thank you for your participation.
(This video is to tell you we are organizing a CONTEST, and we hope to get more participants, and you may send us your answer as soon as possible before the due date. Have you take part in this CONTEST? Grand prizes are waiting for you. )
This week is the first week of the Contest. Lets start from some QUIZ. The followings are the Questions.
Have you download the form for registration? If yet, Please visit to our Facebook page or download the Contest form Here. (Kindly to inform, Please read the Rules and the Regulations)
3.This search engine may search from multiple search engines
4.The most popular search engine in China
7.The logo of this search engine included three(3)
9.Search engine in China
10. Jerry Yang & David Filo are the founders of this search engine
1.A popular multimedia search engine to search video files
4."Slash Tag"
5.The China government-apprd search engine
6.New Search engine with the duck logo
8.The special search engine work similiar with Social Networks Sites
[Image] The crossword Puzzle(Insert or answers with editing this image)
You may also send the answers to us by mail.
EXAMPLE: XXX(Your name)
Monday, 10 October 2011
Google AdWords is here!
Thursday, 6 October 2011
*The Amazing Contest*

Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Open Search Engine Platform
As we know, the 1st generation search engines are recognized as indexing search engines or directories. Users can use keywords, but that is really 'searching', no other development to decide the relevance of data. Directory is a really good idea and is invented by portal giant, Yahoo. In this generation, at lease users can find something from a huge set of data.
A look inside the Google's London store

The 2nd generation which is the current generation is known as the core technology and also a great example would be Google's powerful PageRank. PageRank is actually a set of formulas and equations which determines the relevance and reliability of every webpage for every keyword. Users can find the most relevant and reliable data almost instantly. Furthermore, Google is famous for its indexing engine because we can search over 1 billion webpages in less than 0.1second.
In the 3rd generation of search engines, machines will collect our searches and analyze them. For example, we will tell the search engine what we click, how long we stay and how many pages we view. These actions will be able to be understood by the 3rd generation search engines and they will use them to improve the result for the next user who wants to find answer to similar term.
Currently, Snap.com is one of the first 3rd generation search engines out there. It is project developed by idealab. Snap.com uses the searches made by users (besides the essential function of a typical search engine) there is also a tracker inside it and this might secret recipe of 3rd generation search engines.
Finally, can you still remember we told you about Google Panda updated version 2.5? This search engine is going to arrive this week. It is not rumor; it was confirmed by Search Engines Land (http://searchengineland.com/) Would you try the differences between the previous version and the update version? If you have any question or suggestion, you can comment it and let us do some improvement for you.
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Poll Result Analysis (Week 4)
Thursday, 29 September 2011
The Panguso Search Engine, by China Government!

"We would like to fully exploit the advantages of Xinhua as an official agency having a large amount of news and information and that of China Mobile in terms of technology, advanced operation principles and strong infrastructure," said Li Congjun, president of Xinhua News Agency.
Do you feel strange on Panguso Search Engine? Try it out at http://www.panguso.com/ and give us a feedback on:-
- Advantages and disadvantages of Panguso search engine.
- What shows Panguso is unique and special from other search engines.
- Lastly, tell us what Panguso is lacking!