Latest news for this week is that Google will soon be releasing version 2.2 of the Panda algorithm update from webmasters and SEOs. A person of the webmasters and SEOs name Matt Cutt had talked about a new iteration of Google's Panda update. That he said all were ready for accepted and would be biting soon. The update has been usually referred to all through the search industry as Panda 2.2.

Furthermore, one thing Google was going to address with Panda 2.2 is the topic of scraper sites. They are always making money from Google Adsense because the websites that republish others people's content on their own site. A person who popular in Google Adsense name Frank Watson said, "Google created the mechanism that clogs it own data centers and overwhelms its own spam battlers."
Google announced the coming a new algorithm expected at reducing ranking for "low quality sites." While Google said only 11.8 percent of U.S queries were impacted by update, it was enough to do some big damage to many innocent online business owners, webmasters and SEOs.
Click HERE is the link for the second version of Panda following by the year. These are all the information of the new search engine Google Panda update version 2.2. If not you can click the link then will get more evident information. If any question or suggestion can comment on it, I will try my best to answer your question and do improvement.
Credit to:http://searchenginewatch.com
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