We did a poll voting with title "Which search engine is the current default on your Web browser?" for previous week. We also created a pie chart related to our topic to show the vote results clearly.

It shows there are 17 voters joined themselves in the voting and most of them chose Google search engine as their default search engine in web browser which is 10 votes out of 17 votes. 3 voters chose Yahoo search engine and 1 vote equal to 5.88% for Dogpile, Baidu, Alibaba and Bing search engines.

In conclusion, Google search engines are most likely to be used by the users compared to other search engines showed in the vote results. Are you agree with the vote results? Otherwise, please drop some comments on what's disadvantages of Google search engine and what's the advantages of other search engines, therefore we can discuss about it to find out which search engine is the best!
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