Thursday, 29 September 2011

The Panguso Search Engine, by China Government!

A prominent news agency in China, Xinhua has launched Panguso, an Internet search site that will deliver a state-certified version of the Internet. The government-apprd search engine will be operated in tandem with state-owned phone carrier, China Mobile Ltd. which is the world's largest phone carrier and telecommunications network.

The new search engine will take advantage of Xinhua's capacity in order to collect information and to provide more accurate or relevant search results. One of the features is that Panguso utilizes China Mobile's position in the cellphone market to enable users to send search results from computers to smartphones using SMS.

"We would like to fully exploit the advantages of Xinhua as an official agency having a large amount of news and information and that of China Mobile in terms of technology, advanced operation principles and strong infrastructure," said Li Congjun, president of Xinhua News Agency.

The venture gives China's ruling party a new tool in order for them to try to control what the public sees online. Beijing highly promotes Web use for business as well as education and it tries to block materials deemed to be subversive and obscene. Panguso also aims to provide only high quality and healthy information for China netizens by curbing the spread of illegal information such as violence and pornography.

According to Li, who is confident that the Panguso search engine can grab for a significant share from the massive 457 million Internet users base in China. Also, it won't be too hard for Panguso to catch up Google search engine which holds only 23% in the market. With relentless supports from the China government, there is surely some advantages for Panguso.

Do you feel strange on Panguso Search Engine? Try it out at and give us a feedback on:-

  • Advantages and disadvantages of Panguso search engine.
  • What shows Panguso is unique and special from other search engines.
  • Lastly, tell us what Panguso is lacking!


Francis Tan, Panguso: China's new government-run search engine, TNW Asia [Online], Retrieved 23rd February 2011

[Online, JPG]

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Third Poll Result Analysis

     The title of the poll analysis in the previous week is " You usually use search engine for what purpose?" We had created a pie chart for the vote result.

     It had only 8 voters joined themselves for answer the question. That means the most users are usually use search engine for Academic and to do the research for assignment. It have 6 voters out to 8 voters choose this answer and the second answer is entertainment for search "stars" images, information, and video. It have only 2 voters choose this answer. The 0% votes is mean voters didn't use any search engine.

     In conclusion, most of the users are using search engine for academic and to research for assignment. The plenty of the users are using search engine is for entertainment and to search "star" images, information and video. Therefore, using a search engine for research an assignment is a benefit for all the users.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Traditional Search is dead ?! Search 2.0 is the next generation search? What is the special of Barcode Search

     Wao! Do you feel surprise about the title? Why traditional search (Google, Yahoo, Bing...) is dead? Maybe you will ask me this question. In fact, this was not my own opinion. Mr. Nicholas Scalice said that words on his personal blog. He is a student and 24 years old. He said, "Wanna know a secret? Traditional search is dead...typing text into a blank box and clicking "search" or "I'm Feeling Lucky is slowly giving way to a new kind of search...." If you interested with what he said, you may pay a visit to Mr. Nicholas Scalice's blog.
     Right now, I am sharing my own opinion related to "Traditional search is dead?" and the third generation search- Search 2.0. Technologies that are define Web 2.0 and going to shape the way we live. There are some new forms of searching which is Audio search, Image-recognition search, Location-based search, Social search, Barcode search, and Suggestive search. You will not wonder how amazing are they before you try to use, explore them. I am pretty sure they are "awesome" because I just try the way they search.
     It was "crazy" ! How smart are they? Lets say, the smart phone with Android O/S or iOS, they provide the "Redlaser" . The barcode search, whenever users looking for any information, they no need to type in the keywords but just need to scan the barcode. For an example, Michelle is decide to buy a Computer printer at the PC fair, she need some information for it, what should she do? Yes. I think you can guess what I mean. Michelle just need to scan the barcode on the box, then the result will be prepared for she. How is the growth of technologies? It was amazing. BarcodeZilla is also a barcode search engine, but it enable users to search by keywords too. When I type in "printer", the search result will shown together with the barcode. While I copy the barcode, paste and search again, I will still get the same result.
The QR codes (2D barcode)
     If you get to know more about what is the QD codes? You may refer to Search Engine Watch (SEW),  they explain what is QR codes, their functions, how they work, and briefly explain QR code are not only the 2D codes. For those who interested in Search 2.0, please pay a visit to our blog. It will be updated every single week. By next week, I am going to talk about another form of searching. Do you interested with it? I hope you are. Also, vote for the poll wodget, give us some opinion. I get to know how is our blog. Lastly, thanks to Nicholas Scalice for allowing me to share his personal homepage's information.

Nicholas Scalice, The Future of Search Engines, Bloggers, [docx.Online], Retrieved on 2nd October 2010

Angie Scothttmuller, Top 14 things Marketer Need to know about QR Codes, Search Engine Watch, [docx.Online] , Retrieved on 26th April 2011.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Podcast : The popular Search Engines in China (内地著名搜索引擎)

(李)大家好,我叫李伟伦,(关)我是关伟伦, (关)我是婉婷
(婷)婉婷:最多样化的是-元搜索引擎,它同时在多个不同搜索引擎上搜索,并将结果 告知用户。
(关)伟伦:百度提供用户搜索新闻,网页,贴吧, 知道,MP3音频文件

(Lee) Hi, everyone. I am Lee Wei Lun (Lun) I am Kwan Wei Lun (Teng) I am Wan Teng
(Teng) Welcome to our blog. We are preferring to discuss about search engines too. What is search engines? Search engines enable users to search information by accessing the Internet. Users are only needed to key in the keywords.
(Lee) I believe that all of you are using search engines.
(Lun) We can't live without search engines. It was important to us.
(Teng) Exactly, we need to use search engines from time to time.
(Lee) In fact, Search engines can be classified to many catogories.
(Lun) The most popular is All-purpose search engine. For example, Yahoo and Google are the all-purpose search engines.
(Teng) The most special is Meta search engine. It may search the result from several different search engines, then launch the results to users.
(Lee) Don't leave out. There is one more type of search engine. They are Multimedia search engines. Multimedia search engine is to search video, air ticket, travel and so on.
(Teng) We belive in most of the users are using all-purpose search engines. The poll results of the previous week is also showed all-purpose search engine is the   most popular. It is because they have more function and convenience. Two weeks ago, we discuss about some new search engines. By now, we share some information about search engines that popular in China.
(Lee) The most popular search engine in China was BAIDU. BAIDU is a type of all-purpose search engines.
(Lun) BAIDU provides users to search News, Websites, Baidu tieba(created to share information, images and videos), Baidu zhidao(to ask and answer) and MP3 files
(Lee) There are also Images, Video and Maps.
(Lun) There are also China search engines which is Sousou, Sogou, Sina and so on.
(Teng) What you know about search engines? Do you know how they works? Sure, get to know more about search engines, you are guided to follow our blog and participant on our blog polls. We will update the information every single week. Coming soon, be patient on it.
(All) Thanks for listening.


Thursday, 22 September 2011

Review on Next Generation of Search

     Last week, I had go to check out a "next-generation search" session and a panel on keyword promotion. I had registered under incisive Media instead of Search Engine Watch and that I really understand was that I should have hid my name badge. For now, I really wanted to know what was the hottest in search engine now.

     Furthermore, It had a updating search engine is call Real-time search. Real-time search means recovering information about what's happening in every now. The total of the real-time data that available is growing fast with the explosion of mobile devices.

     The real-time data reaches far beyond tweets and Facebook updates. For example, users are uploading photos on Facebook to show what happening them, chatting about the latest news, and answering questions live on sites like Yahoo answer.That are the opening of the real-time information that can be made available to search engines.

     Lastly, In the world are getting more and more types of search engine. So are you interested in news of updating search engine?You can ask some question at the comment side or you can also give some information and knowledge about the search engine.

credit to:Nick Reddyhoff, New and Next search engine 22/9/2011

             Kevin Newcomb, New and Next search engine 22/9/2011

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

The "Special" New Social Search Engine-Qyo

     Qyo is the new social search engine that provides shared search queries. Qyo is the first search query sharing system which allows for social information discovery and real time collaborative search. This search engine requires users to register before they are allowed to search, ask, find, and discovery. Users are invited to connect to their Facebook account and get friend involved. In fact, without friends, Qyo is a fairy sparse experience. 
    Qyo is also enables users to search what their friends, family, and coworkers are looking for after they connected to Facebook and invited their friends. Once you have associated with another person, all your searches via Qyo are visible to them, unless you specifically choose to search privately. There is a "Private" button next to the "Search" button. 
     Besides that, Qyo allows users to "discover new idea, products, event, people, and places". While you type in the keywords, this new search engine will came out with the web result and the comments answer from the others. So now, do you know why Qyo is a Social Search Engine? It is because it works like Social Networks Site(SNS).
       I have tried to observe this Social Search Engine, Qyo. You may see the different between "Search" and "Prinvate" search through the screen shot below.

When you click on "Search", the Query Feed will show what you have search. 

Search as "Private", the Query Feed will not appear the searches history.
     Do you interests in this kind of "Special" Search Engine? Would you like to experience of sharing and passing out search search and result to those within the users social circles (Allow users to share). If you have interesting, you may me visit to by now. Just to remind: you are needed to register an account, then start enjoying search and share.

Credit to:
San Jose, Start Releases Qyo,a New Search Engine Interface Offering an Advance on Google and Bing [Online], Retrieved on 21th March 2011.

Keir Thomas, PC World-Three New Search Engines Worth Checking Out-Qyo, [Online] Retrieved on 22nd  March 2011.

Webopedia- Social Networking Site, [Online]

Monday, 19 September 2011

Second Poll Result Analysis

We did a poll voting with title "Which search engine is the current default on your Web browser?" for previous week. We also created a pie chart related to our topic to show the vote results clearly.

It shows there are 17 voters joined themselves in the voting and most of them chose Google search engine as their default search engine in web browser which is 10 votes out of 17 votes. 3 voters chose Yahoo search engine and 1 vote equal to 5.88% for Dogpile, Baidu, Alibaba and Bing search engines.

In conclusion, Google search engines are most likely to be used by the users compared to other search engines showed in the vote results. Are you agree with the vote results? Otherwise, please drop some comments on what's disadvantages of Google search engine and what's the advantages of other search engines, therefore we can discuss about it to find out which search engine is the best!

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Blekko, The Search Engine with Slashtags.

Blekko's Review
Blekko is a long anticipated search engine founded by two ex-Googlers, Rich Skrenta and his core management team up to 20 members. Blekko has finally been published to the public with beta 2 version. Besides, Blekko has raised three rounds of financing since then, totalling of $20 million (around RM65 million), from some of the most respected angel and venture investors in silicon valley. Moreover, Blekko is mainly search with slashtags to reduce some unwanted websites and the slashtags are the characteristic that make Blekko special or unique in searching information.

What is a slashtag?
Slashtag is a feature used to filter all of the search results in terms of spam, malware and contents farms. Therefore, it aids in searching high quality information and websites. Blekko also enables the users to create their own slashtag by clicking "Create a Slashtag" at the profile page. According to the statistic There is more than 100,000 slashtags had been created so far in Blekko.

One of the hottest topics that is spreading over the Internet - Is Blekko able to challenge worldwide popular search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo with its unique slashtags search? When Blekko was first demo, those behind the search engine made it clear that it was not out to kill Google. Rather Blekko claims to be concerned with allowing users to execute searches that you "can't do anywhere else", by focusing the slashtags that allow users to search from a particular perspective. They said, does Blekko fit into the search game? Is it a killer of Google, Bing and Yahoo, or is it a site that will compliment your search engine of choice? What follows is a brief introduction video to Blekko, a comparison of popular search terms when entered into the aforementioned search engines, including Blekko as well as culminating with our thoughts on Blekko's future.

blekko: how to slash the web from blekko on Vimeo.
Have you used Blekko yet? Feel free to test out Blekko search engine at to find out more interesting things about Blekko. What do you like about it and what do you think Blekko is lacking?

Credit to:
Michael Arrington, TechCrunch Review: The Blekko Search Engine Prepares To Launch [Online], Retrieved 19th July 2010

Jeff Cormier, The TNW Review: Blekko - Is this finally a Google killer? [Online], Retrieved 1st Nov 2010

Monday, 12 September 2011

Google Panda Update Version 2.2

              Google Panda Update Logo

     Latest news for this week is that Google will soon be releasing version 2.2 of the Panda algorithm update from webmasters and SEOs. A person of the webmasters and SEOs name Matt Cutt had talked about a new iteration of Google's Panda update. That he said all were ready for accepted and would be biting soon. The update has been usually referred to all through the search industry as Panda 2.2.

panda-and-baby     As a characteristic of Google, they are helpful but almost nothing about what this tweak targeting. So far, Google Company doesn't make an announcement of the level of the algorithm change on a company blog. Google just wanted tried to downplay Panda, noting that Panda is just one of about 500 algorithmic search tweak Google makes each year.

     Furthermore, one thing Google was going to address with Panda 2.2 is the topic of scraper sites. They are always making money from Google Adsense because the websites that republish others people's content on their own site. A person who popular in Google Adsense name Frank Watson said, "Google created the mechanism that clogs it own data centers and overwhelms its own spam battlers."

     Google announced the coming a new algorithm expected at reducing ranking for "low quality sites." While Google said only 11.8 percent of U.S queries were impacted by update, it was enough to do some big damage to many innocent online business owners, webmasters and SEOs.

     Click HERE is the link for the second version of Panda following by the year. These are all the information of the new search engine Google Panda update version 2.2. If not you can click the link then will get more evident information. If any question or suggestion can comment on it, I will try my best to answer your question and do improvement.

Credit to:

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Poll Analysis for Previous Vote Result (WEEK_1)

     We had created a poll widget for the readers or any blog visitors to vote it. We have done a survey on which type of search engines that the users usually used to search information. There are five answers are given to the readers and visitors for voting. The following are example for the readers to choose:-
  • All-purpose search engines (Yahoo, Google, Bing)
  • Multimedia search engines (Youtube, Blinkx)
  • Map search engines (GoogleMaps)
  • Blog search engines (bloglines)
  • Job search engines (

      There are total of 20 voters participated in the first week poll voting. Besides, we found that most of the users decided to look for information by using all-purpose search engines.
〈--This Pie chart is showing the view of the percentages. According to the chart, 
the all-purpose search engines such as Yahoo, Google, and bing are the most popular. Are you agree with me? If not, you are welcome to give some opinion. You may also give some suggestion to us to improve our blog. We need your comments to do improvement。
CLICK on the image above to view full size image