(李)大家好,我叫李伟伦,(关)我是关伟伦, (关)我是婉婷
(婷)婉婷:最多样化的是-元搜索引擎,它同时在多个不同搜索引擎上搜索,并将结果 告知用户。
(关)伟伦:百度提供用户搜索新闻,网页,贴吧, 知道,MP3音频文件
(Lee) Hi, everyone. I am Lee Wei Lun (Lun) I am Kwan Wei Lun (Teng) I am Wan Teng
(Teng) Welcome to our blog. We are preferring to discuss about search engines too. What is search engines? Search engines enable users to search information by accessing the Internet. Users are only needed to key in the keywords.
(Lee) I believe that all of you are using search engines.
(Lun) We can't live without search engines. It was important to us.
(Teng) Exactly, we need to use search engines from time to time.
(Lee) In fact, Search engines can be classified to many catogories.
(Lun) The most popular is All-purpose search engine. For example, Yahoo and Google are the all-purpose search engines.
(Teng) The most special is Meta search engine. It may search the result from several different search engines, then launch the results to users.
(Lee) Don't leave out. There is one more type of search engine. They are Multimedia search engines. Multimedia search engine is to search video, air ticket, travel and so on.
(Teng) We belive in most of the users are using all-purpose search engines. The poll results of the previous week is also showed all-purpose search engine is the most popular. It is because they have more function and convenience. Two weeks ago, we discuss about some new search engines. By now, we share some information about search engines that popular in China.
(Lee) The most popular search engine in China was BAIDU. BAIDU is a type of all-purpose search engines.
(Lun) BAIDU provides users to search News, Websites, Baidu tieba(created to share information, images and videos), Baidu zhidao(to ask and answer) and MP3 files
(Lee) There are also Images, Video and Maps.
(Lun) There are also China search engines which is Sousou, Sogou, Sina and so on.
(Teng) What you know about search engines? Do you know how they works? Sure, get to know more about search engines, you are guided to follow our blog and participant on our blog polls. We will update the information every single week. Coming soon, be patient on it.
(All) Thanks for listening.
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