Monday, 29 August 2011

Main Types of Search Engines are Showing Their Differents

     Search engines is actually a program used to search information on the World Wide Web by entering the keyword in the search box. There are a few types of search engines that used to search different kind of information. Although more of the search engines are often used untidy methods to describe crawler-based engines, human-powered directories, hybrid search engines, meta-search engines and everything in between, they are different. Each type of search engines collect and ranks listing in radically different ways.
     Crawler-Based search engines used "spiders" or called it "crawlers" to access to your web pages. This type of search engine will automatically category web pages and download it to analyses the information presented on the web pages. These are called seamless process. Google, Ask Jeeves and Yahoo are the examples of crawler-based search engine. Crawler-based enables user to search through their listings. is also called all-purpose search engines. A video describe how does crawler based-engine works. Those who are interested to know more in detail, here is an video that definition, explain, and how they work. To those who interested to get more knowledge about Crawler-based engine, you are encouraged to play this video. This video are explaining how this type of search engine works.
     Human-Powered directories enable human editors to place the websites within specific categories in the directories database. It was a good site with good content, and it might be more likely to get reviewed for free than a poor site. Dmoz is an example for human-powered directories. 
     Hybrid search engines  are very common for crawler-type and human-powered result to be combined when conducting a search. Hybrid search engines will favor a type of listing over another. Yahoo and Google are the examples of Hybrid search engines. 
     Meta search engines queries other search engines then combine them into a large listing. That means users are actually using many search engines at once to optimize Web searching. Dogpile (owned by InfoSpace and also owns MetaCrawler) and Metacrawler are the examples of Meta search engines.
      The photo below is showing the popular search engines. They are Yahoo, Bing, and Google.

      After you understanding the differences between the main types of search engines, are you going to switch your search engine to Meta Search Engine? I am sure I will do that , because it using many types of search engines at once. Do you interest in the next generation search engine that named Google Panda updated version2.2?

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Sunday, 28 August 2011

How Does The New Search Engine "DuckDuckGo" works?

     DuckDuckGo is a search engine that lets users to find information and what they need quickly in fewer click. The application works almost same like others search engine, with a data entry field and results pages. The search result page gives the users substitute options to fine down their search with different meanings or suggestions. the title of the page and a short explanation with the keyboard bold will given by the search results. If the website has a symbol there, you can just beside it to the left. DuckDuckGo tries to take away the websites that exist entirely for marketing purposes and tries to clean out as much spam as achievable. Users also can insert the DuckDuckGo search tool bar to their Firefox browser. DuckDuckGo will tell the users interesting things because it provides a list of tech goodies that include calculator, bang syntax, conversion tools, date and fact generator and a time sensitive generator. For now, DuckDuckGo is instead
of Google. Click HERE to get more information.

     DuckDuckGo is almost same with others search engine. The different calculators and resources might come in useful for a few users. The search engine also provision users to links to zero click information with less spam in search results. Most of the users using search engine also want to be private, so that DuckDuckGo also states that the search engine does not track its users, giving them more privacy. Click HERE to know how DcukDuckgo challenges Google on privacy.

     Most of the users feel that they use the search engine "DuckDuckGo" with a clean and open design. The homepage features the red circle with a grinning, wearing a green bow tie duck that is a search engine's logo.
A lot of website consists of white background with a few blue links along the button. The search tool bar is importantly showed right at the center as soon as a new user enters. The DuckDuckGo search engine are very clean and do not attack user with the advertisements.

     The registration process work of DuckDuckGo is not a tool that usually requires log in. Any users can use the search engine without an account. The website does not currently present a log in characteristic for users. Even though this is really not a requirement for search engine application but it might be a goof addition to be able to save favorite searches. DuckDuckGo is also free for all the users. There are no payment fees or charges for using the website. Users can return and search again and again they like because they are no cost.

     After understanding this function of DuckDuckGo, would you choose this kind of search engine?This link is teach you how to use DuckDuckGo search engine and show you the features of DuckDuckGo search engine.
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Saturday, 27 August 2011

Controlling How Search Engines Access and Index Your Website.

Let's discuss about search engine index and what it actually is. A search engine index is where data that search engines collect is stored and the index is what provides result for the search queries. There are many different parts to a search engine such as design factors and data structures. Design factors of a search engine index are to mainly outline the architectures of the index and decide how the index works. Therefore, when a search engine index is being built, there are several types of data structures are able to choose from.

A briefly explanation on search engine index by Kristy Ng from SEO company.
By reading the basic concept and definition of search engine index, I'm pretty sure that readers understand clearer about what it is. Therefore, how do Google know what parts of website that the site owner actually intend to show up in the search results? There is actually a lot of control over have been given to publishers to determine which pages should be appeared in search results. The key is a simple file called robots.txt that has been an industry standard for many years as it allows a site owner control how search engines access and index their website. In conclusion, creating a robots.txt file is straight forward and it allows publishers a sophisticated level of controlling accessibility of search engine to their websites. To find out more about how search engines access and index websites, feel free to visit the link.
For example, the most popular social networking site Facebook with million users created public search listings in 2007 to enable people to search for your name on Google, Yahoo, Bing or any other search engines to view a direct link to your Facebook profile. Well, if you're not interested in such new features, you can change your settings to prevent Facebook from indexing your name on Google search results. So what can you do to stop your Facebook profile from indexing on Google? This can be done manually with 5 simple instructions under Privacy Setting at Facebook and here is a step-by-step guide on how to do so.

After reviewing how search engines access and index your websites, would you start to do something to protect and secure your websites such as your facebook profiles or any other websites which contain your privacy contents? Drop a comment of what's your opinion on it!

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