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Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Week 10 Poll Analyze
Thursday, 10 November 2011
The New Search Engine"Former Googleers Unveil Cuil"
Monday, 7 November 2011
Poll Result Analysis (Week 9)
We discussed about what kind of search engine that semantic search engine actually is. Semantic search engine is also known as Web 3.0 search engine, it takes sense of a word as a factor in its ranking algorithm or offers user a choice as to the sense of a word of phrase. Some of the semantic search engines such as lexxe.com, blekko.com and kngine.com, feel free to try it out to know the differences between Web 2.0 search engine and Web 3.0 search engine clearly.

There are total of 8 voters had participated in the poll voting this week. There are 5 of them obtain the correct answer and 3 voters guess wrongly with Web 2.0 search engine which is an era of search engine from years 2004. For example, google.com, yahoo.com, bing.com and baidu.com is some of the popular Web 2.0 search engine and I believe that you had tried it out before.
Therefore, if you have something not sure about the search engine or there is something goes wrong in the post in term of information, please do not hesitate to let us know!
Sunday, 6 November 2011
How to search in easier way and more specific?
Using the specific search engine. If you are looking for the audio files, you may use FindSounds.com or Free-Loops.com. Unlike some of the internet users, they just too depend on google.com. There are also specialty searches to search RSS feeds, podcast, library materials and so on. If you are getting to know more detail of "How to Choose a Search Tools", you may visit this link.
Try this specific search engine, zanran.com/q/. They help to search the data & statistics such as graphs, charts and tables. It enable users to customize four of the search options.
Again, I am glad to share this information to all my blog readers. So, are you going to try chacha.com, scour.com, and zanran.com/q/ ?
1.) Laura B.Cohen, How to Choose a Search Tools, Internet Tutorials, [Online], Retrieved on 1st Nov 2011.
2.) Ellen Keohane, ABCSearch launches human-assisted search engine Scour.com, [Online], Retrieved on 15th July 2008.
URL: http://www.dmnews.com/abcsearch-launches-human-assisted-search-engine-scourcom/article/112460/
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Poll Result Analysis (Week 8)
Besides, have 2 voters has choose the answer Yes, It may search everything what they need. Actually, Google.com can search everything what we need. This is the benefit for Google.com. Another 2 voters has choose the answer No, It always unable to search what I want. Google.com is not unable to search what we want because Google.com is just show the current most famous news in first two pages, the others information maybe is in other pages, so we can't say Google.com is unable to search what we need. Has i voter choose the last answer I will prefer to use dogpile.com more than Google.com. Dogpile.com is also a famous search engine in the world.
In conclusion, I suggest all the users to user the blekko.com. Blekko.com is a Semantic search engine and also a Web 3.0 search engine. In the future, many users certain use blekko.com to search everything what they need and information. Do you agree the vote result in this poll analysis?If have any question or suggestion can just comment in the comment box or email to us.